Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Changes of My Life

So much has happened since my last post. I've gone to Student Leadership University (I'll have to talk about that in a different post), youth camp, 4-H judging, and VBS. I'm not really very disciplined to write on my blog every few days and that's why you haven't been hearing from me. I hope to start posting again. With school about to start up, I'll have more things to write about.

One thing that I'd like to address right now is that...... I'M A FRESHMAN NOW! That's right. I am going into my first year of high school. Now I know that it is a big deal to begin high school if you are a public schooler but for me it isn't that different. I started some of my high school text books last year and the work isn't harder for me. It actually seems a little easier (mostly literature). In my homeschool coop the only thing different is that I'm allowed to go to the dances that we have. At my church, it will get very different. I'll be with all of the senior highers which will be scary but exciting.

The biggest change this year is tennis. I am now a member of the __________ High School tennis team. I already know some people from the middle school team but I'm still going to be one of the youngest. Thankfully I don't have to try out but it will be more intense. I don't know if I'll make varsity or jr. varsity yet because there is no way of knowing how good the other girls are.

There used to be a rule in some places that home schoolers could not do public school sports unless they took a class. We were prepared for this. Thankfully, there has been a new law passed that home schoolers cannot be denied sports. ________ High School has been generous with us and is allowing me to participate in their Flex Program. I will be taking Mandarin Chinese from the state college. This is a great way to learn this language because not many schools offer the language and we would probably have to find a really good online program if I was to speak it fluently.

So I'm really looking forward to my freshman year. Everything that I learned at Student Leadership University has inspired and motivated me to work hard this school year.

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