Monday, January 14, 2013

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA: Every Fangirl's Dream

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has got to be my absolute favorite movie and, as you can probably tell, it's also every fangirl's dream. I mean, it has great songs, amazing costumes, and the best plot. What's not to like?

First off, there's the main character, Christine Daae. She's a chorus girl who got her big break after the margarita walked out. She's a fantastic soprano who can hit superhuman notes! When her life seems like a dream come true she is kidnapped and well, you'll have to watch the movie or, better yet, read the book. (I can't believe I just wrote a run-on sentence! How could I!)

Yes, this is the Phantom of the Opera himself. If Lune or Hazel are reading this, I know you are creeped out by this picture. Anyway, the Phantom is the coolest of the characters. He wears a mask to cover up his deformed face and is quite touchy about people taking it off. He is an awesome musician and completely ninja. Not to mention that he has an amazing singing voice!

Then there is, of course, Raoul. Raoul and Christine knew each other when they were little and were childhood sweethearts. When he sees Christine singing on stage he falls in love with her again. Unfortunately (there's always an "unfortunately" it's what makes a story good) the Phantom is in love with Christine as well. This turns into the well known story of two guys fighting over a girl. Even though Raoul doesn't have as good of a singing voice as the phantom, he makes up for it in his looks and his niceness. 

I had to include Carlotta in my discussion of the characters. Carlotta was the margarita (leading lady) that Christine replaced. Carlotta also can hit those superhuman notes but isn't as good of a singer as Christine. She has a tendency to always demand her own way and is always focused on herself. Carlotta is automatically the least sympathetic character (those of you who have studied literature terms will understand that) in the entire movie. 

So, if you haven't read the book or seen the movie, what I have written above will hopefully have inspired you to go read and/or watch the movie soon. Trust me, it's the most amazing movie/ book (with the exception of the Bible of course) ever! 

For those who have already read the book/watched the movie and know how amazing it is, you are prepared to fangirl about whether Christine should have gone with Raoul or the Phantom and go on and on about your favorite songs. 

For those of you who haven't read the book or watched the movie, I'd recommend not reading the comments because of obsessive amounts of fangirling. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. 

Now, go watch the movie!

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