Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bookish Academy Awards

Hi, guys!

I am really excited about this post.

Today I will be doing my first post for the BOOKISH ACADEMY AWARDS! 

You probably don't know what that is and I didn't either until I watched this YouTube video.

This is not the original Bookish Academy Awards Tag video. It is just the one that I discovered first.


For this post I will give you a brief explanation of how this will work.

So what I have done is I have a list of categories and I have picked an author, book, or book series to fit every one of them.

The book was required to be read by myself in 2013 or recent 2014.

I know that you saw the categories in the video above, but I will give them to you again.

1. Best actor- male protagonist

2. Best actress- female protagonist

3. Best Cinematography- best plot twist

4. Best costume design- best book cover

5. best supporting actor- best male side kick

6. best supporting actress- best female side kick

7. best original screen play- most creative world or plot

8. best adapted screenplay- book to movie adaption

9. best animated feature- book that would make a good animated movie

10. best director- new favorite author

11. best visual effects- action packed book

12. best musical score- book to movie adaptation

13. best short film- novella

14. best picture- best stand alone book

15. best documentary- nonfiction/historical

I did actually sit down and come up with multiple nominees for most of these.

Here are a couple of my nominees!

For best female protagonist I nominated....

-Liesel Meminger (The Book Thief)
-Katarina Bishop (Heist Society)
-Miri (The Princess Academy)
-Madeleine (School of Fear)
-Anae (Arch Nemesis)

For best plot twist I nominated...

-False Prince
-School of Fear
-The Book Thief
-The Everafter War

Lastly, for best male side kick I nominated...

-W. W. Hale (Heist Society)
-Max (The Book Thief)
-Shmuel (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas)
-Domingo Montoya (The Princess Bride)

I couldn't share all of my nominations because I wanted to allow some mystery.

I'm planning on announcing the winners in three separate posts.

I hope you enjoy the Bookish Academy Awards!

So long!


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