Monday, March 3, 2014

Bookish Academy Awards Part 1

Greetings, all!

Are you ready for the first round of the Bookish Academy Awards?

I'm really excited about sharing the winners.

The categories that will be announced today are the following.

1. best cinematography- plot twist

2. best costume design- book cover

3. most original screenplay- most creative world or plot

4. best director- new favorite author

5. best picture- stand alone book


1. Best plot twist goes to....

The False Prince!

I was so surprised by the ending of this book. I never suspected that! It was perfect.

2. Best cover design goes to...

School of Fear!

I love the cover of this book for some strange reason. It fits the story line perfectly.

3. Most creative world/plot goes to...

The Hunger Games!

This one was pretty easy. The Hunger Games world is cool and twisted.

4. New author favorite is....

Ally Carter!

I love Ally Carter's books. I love the strong characters that she writes and just the way her writing works.

5. Best stand alone book goes to....

The Invention of Hugo Cabret!

I technically read this book for the first time back in 2012 but I read it all the time just because I love the story. It was so perfect!

That is all for today's Bookish Academy Awards!

I will be posting Part 2 very soon.

So long!



  1. *claps* I've only read Ally Carter's books, and I agree! She's an great author! :D
