Friday, February 21, 2014

Top 5 Friday: Saddest Books

Hello, all! Here's another Top 5 Friday and today's topic will possibly bring back horrible memories of reading and throwing books across rooms.

I think there is a reason that Tom Riddle put a piece of his soul in a book (technically a diary, but whatever).

Anyway lets start with number 5 and work up!

5. Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

These books aren't as sad as they are unfortunate, but I'll say that I almost cried at the end of the last one. Just thinking about these books puts me in a bad mood...

4. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Surely I was not the only person to find this book very depressing. All the way through I found myself upset. Nothing went right. It took me three times as long to read this book as the other two. 

3. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

I found this book depressing. I think we all did. Seriously? What author decides out of the blue that they want to do that?! There was no reason to! The worst part was that the character wasn't a Christian!

2. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

This book is great all the way through and it is a quick read. Then you get to the last chapter. Ugh! It's their innocence that kills me! Just so you know, it is one of those Holocaust books that I obsess over...  


The moment you've all been waiting for...

What will my number one choice for the saddest book be?

It's not The Fault in Our Stars (not allowed to read John Green books)...

It's not Eleanor & Park (not allowed to read Rainbow Rowell)...

It's not House of Hades (not allowed to read that either!)....

I didn't even pick Harry Potter (which, for the record I CAN read)!

Drum roll, please!


1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This is the easiest book to cry in. The end will rip out your soul! Don't even cheat and just watch the movie! There is no way to accurately portray the sadness that occurs in this book. I highly recommend this to everyone in HIGH SCHOOL. This is definitely my favorite book of all time!

I hope you enjoyed this Top 5 Friday.

Leave your top 5 saddest books in the comments below!

So long!


PS: I'm still working on that Teen Night post....

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Series of Unfortunate events is indeed depressing. The ending was terrible!
