Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Loki is Coming! -A Grammar Assignment + Other Stuff

Hi, everyone! I thought I'd double up on my posting today since I've given you two of my writing assignments in a row.

Today I had to write a public announcement to be shown on TV for grammar. I really didn't want to do it, but I decided to make it fun by choosing an interesting topic: Loki.

Trust me. I'm not in Loki's army.

I merely thought that he would make an interesting topic for my public announcement.

So, my public announcement was about Loki terrorizing the world and warning everyone about it.


What I had to do was find something that the public needed to know about, draw some illustrations, and write a paragraph about what is happening. 

Here are my illustrations. I took closer pictures but they are all sideways and like always, I don't want to take the extra time that I should be spending on school to edit every one of these pictures. It's just not happening.

The paragraph that I wrote is called a treatment. It has to describe some instructions for the camera man, background music, etc. Here it is.

The public announcement starts with a person chilling out at the beach. There is a beach chair and umbrella and the person is holding a drink. Cue Loki standing on a beach next to he water. Loki then freezes the person the umbrella, the beach chair, and the drink. Then cue the picture of before and after Loki froze the water. Lastly, zoom in on Loki's face. He shouts "Loki'd." At the bottom, show the words "He is coming!" The background music should be the chorus of "Let it Go" or "The Imperial March." AFter the announcement, show the words "demanded by Thor, god of thunder." The phone number will be replaced by the following: "Shout 'Heimdall, open the bifrost!'"

What do you think? 

I do realize that I pretty much did another post on a writing assignment. 

I need to stop. 

I do have a couple of other things to show you.

We had what is called "Teen Night" on Friday. Teen Night is where a bunch of the teenagers in our homeschool group get together to play tournament style games. This time it was Monopoly Night. 

Let me just say that I am obsessed with monopoly.

I own two different kinds of monopoly. Both were given to me by Ginger.

I was in it to win it.

For tournament style monopoly, we play three rounds, each with different rules. 

My score for the first round: 2,500 approximately

My score for the second round: 1,100 approximately

My score for the third round: 5,023 exactly

The scores are really how much money in property and actual money you have at the end of each round. 

Let me just say, the third round was so much fun for me.

I had a monopoly on the green properties with two or three houses on each.

I got to charge someone $1000 dollars. 

It was amazing. 

They were bankrupt practically.

Anyway, I ended up not doing as well as I did last year. Last year I finished in 10th place while this year I finished in the top 15.

My prize is pictured above. 

Yes, it is a mini lamp.

It turns on my a USV port.

It's very interesting.

Anyway, Monopoly Night was awesome.

Next, thing on the agenda is….


You may remember my Winter Jam post from last year. It was my first year going and I had so much fun. Lune and Hazel went with me and Ginger last year and our "Happy Family" will be together again this year. 

Above is a picture of the Winter Jam shirt that we get with the VIP tickets.

Surprisingly, VIP tickets were only $40. We bought them because last year we bought the general admission tickets and almost didn't get in. Now we will get in without a doubt.

Lastly, here is the sunset that was outside yesterday morning. 

Isn't it pretty?! 

Lia was taking pictures also. 

She's so cute!

That's all for today's post.

So long!

-Jade Kanani

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